International export

Navigating the borders

International export may seem like a simple process, but it’s anything but. Since Brexit, shipping goods to another country has become a far more complicated process. All of the red tape can restrict a business from freely trading, but you must do everything by the book.

 If you’re not sure how to do everything within the confines of Government regulation, we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have. 

International export taxes

If you want to provide goods outside of the UK, you’ll first have to acquire the relevant licences. There are special rules to follow and certificates you’ll need before exporting your goods. 

 Next, you’ll also need an economic operators registration and identification number (EORI number) if you move goods:

  • between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) or the Isle of Man and any other country (including the EU)
  • between Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • between Great Britain and the Channel Islands
  • between Northern Ireland and countries outside the EU.

 Depending on your business’s turnover, you may also have to register for VAT. If this is the case, you’ll have to organise and file VAT returns every quarter and ensure you meet your obligations to HMRC.

Business advice

If you want to be a successful international exporter, you’ll need to do your research. Better yet, get the support of an experienced team who have helped clients in your position ten times over.

 Identifying potential business opportunities and understanding foreign business ethics and practices are two other strings to our bow. 

 We’re in the business of relationships, not just in our country but across the globe. So, if we can impart some of our business insight and wisdom, we will. Our network of worldwide firms can help provide you with the tools you need to make your export business a booming success.

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It’s essential to understand your tax position in any country you decide to trade in, so with this in mind, an accountant can be your best friend.

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